Make It happen
Radiating Confidence & Creating Audience-Centered Messages
This session provides valuable skills and knowledge, in an interactive and brainstorming approach, where participants will practice the learned skills through writing, presenting and role playing techniques that are designed to allow them to reflect on real life experiences, understand their behaviors and enhance their public speaking and media communication skills.
This workshop will provide you with valuable public speaking skills, using a hands-on approach. It will include in-depth information and practice on developing an engaging presentation and delivering it with confidence and impact, using some of “Ted Talks”secrets and tips, Thus, at the end of this course you will:
Radiate Confidence, creating a 1000 Watt presence
Easily pitch your idea in 5 seconds, 30 seconds or 30 minutes.
Be able to create a well-organized, audience-centered message.
Deliver a message in a clear, convincing and credible manner.
Utilize your voice and body language to empower your message
Be a more confident communicator utilizing the different media outlets
10 – 15 hours depending on your needs, the number of participants and exercises.
In order to get the best return on investment; by the end of this session each participant will reflect on his/her real life and write his/her action plan, to be submitted to the HR department and can be included in their performance evaluation process.